One Surprising Thing I Have Learned About Myself In 2020

Following the last blog post I wrote on #BAMEOver, I decided to submit it as an article to Thrive Global – which was launched by Arianna Huffington of The Huffington Post. Thrive is on a mission to unlock human potential and they have created a community of global contributors who write on all sorts of subjects. As I really enjoy writing and want to do more of it, I thought I’d send in the #BAMEOver piece to see whether I’d actually get published.

I tweaked it slightly, following a chat with a woman who used to work at board level at 20th Century Fox, where I explained the reasons behind the sudden split of my parent’s marriage and what happened thereafter. She said to me: “You need to share your full story.” And so I did. The article was approved and published by Thrive Global within hours. You can read it here.

I had written on Instagram that I was going to get my thinking cap on and figure out what to write next. Then lo and behold, an automated email appeared in my inbox from Thrive asking me to submit a piece to share ‘one surprising thing I have learned about myself in 2020.’ And so I did…again! And again, it was approved and published within hours.

Rather than copying and pasting the piece here, I will direct you to it 👉🏼 CLICK HERE.

Hope you enjoy reading it. 🙏🏼


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